Leave comment view visible
Comment view disappears when there are no new comments. I'd like to leave it visible so I can refer back to it.

J.Terry commented
This is my first comment.
Smith commented
My First Comment.
I wanna to download Free Alarm...
Mike commented
False alarm! I'm back to the beginning here, which is to say that either the rules governing when comments are displayed are too logically complex for me to understand, or it's just not working quite right. Yesterday a friend of mine commented on an item I had previously viewed (and commented on, myself) and it still didn't appear in the "comments" thread.
Mike commented
Okay, now I've REALLY figured it out - it only displays comments on items that I've read. So if I have shared an item, commented on an item, OR I have read my friend's share and then someone comments on it, it will display. But I won't see items in the comment thread if I haven't already read them from my friend's shared feed - even if they have comments on them.
So, as in my last post, it would be ideal if this operated the way it did on the old Google Reader, which was to show all comment activity on my shares or my friends' shares in Comment View, regardless of whether I've read the corresponding shares via their individual feeds yet.
Mike commented
I think I figured out what's happening here - the comment view only shows posts that I either shared, or PERSONALLY commented on. Right? I think the old Google Reader showed me all comment activity happening within my friends' shares, not just the ones I had already shared myself or directly interacted with.
Mike commented
Also it seems like the rules determining whether Comment View displays (i.e. sometimes it doesn't display even though there are unread shares and unviewed comments) are inconsistent or hard to understand. My use case is that on the old Google Reader, I didn't always have time to read everybody's shares or all my blogs, but I always could keep up to date with conversations that were happening because I prioritized looking at the comment thread.