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Feature requests

575 results found

  1. Allow me to search all the way back.

    This is what Google Reader did really well, and I feel a Google Reader substitute should do. I would pay for this (

    Google Reader saved every item it showed from the moment you subscribed to a feed. This allowed me to use GReader as a research tool. The Old Reader has stated it will only ‘store up to several hundred of posts per feed’. ( That’s just not enough.

    Some feeds I follow get over 30 updates per day. Think websites like The Next Web and MetaFilter. How many days will The Old Reader save?…

    1,359 votes
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    This is for the most part now available with Premium accounts. We store posts up to 6 months old, and the title and body of the post will be in the search index for premium subscribers.

  2. 1,154 votes
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    There’s now a subscription management page that allows you to unsubscribe from/move your subscriptions. You can get there by clicking on “Subscriptions” in the user name dropdown in the upper right.

  3. Import starred.json from Google Reader's Takeout

    Within the zip file that Google's Takeout provides there is a starred.json file available. i think lifehacker mentioned a way of turning them into HTML to make them bookmarks but his does not "gel with current workflows". I have no idea if in implementing googles reader api this comes as part of it - that is if you do implement their api. Maybe feedburner will be terminated after reader is shutdown so here is two website with a list of alternatives:

    793 votes
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  4. Provide a 'cut-down' mobile interface for smart phones / tablets

    Google Reader provides a 'touch' [ ] and 'minimal' [ ] interface for smart phones / tablets.

    It might be nice if an equivalent minimal interface for OldReader is also available to make browsing and reading feeds on such devices (with limited screen space) easier.

    751 votes
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  5. Open source code

    It's a trend now.
    Seriously, I want some improvements that I can make, so if code will be open, I think community can make a lot of work for this service.
    Also some people do not want to give information about their interest to third partry companies, so they can host their own reader.
    And no one will be able to close it out like Google Reader.

    672 votes
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  6. Wrap text in list view.

    Using list view in a narrow window, like on a mobile display, truncates the posts subject lines. Mobile is my main use case where this matters, but you can reproduce it with a desktop browser just by resizing it to be too skinny to display the whole thing. On my phone in portrait mode, list view in unusable because most of the subject lines are too truncated to understand what they're about. While the full view works, it makes scrolling through busy feeds take too long, especially since it includes images.

    In other words, make it like the Google Reader…

    636 votes
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  7. Make img title/alt text readable on mobile

    When reading XKCD in theoldreader on iPad I can't see a way to make the img title text visible. Google Reader added a little + button which showsthe alt text, it would be great to have this in theoldreader as well. Thanks!

    563 votes
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  8. Tags On The Old Reader

    Tags: General
    Being able to tag items from feeds to separate them into folders for quick reference in the future (ie: watch, listen, read, etc...)

    549 votes
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  9. Make the top nav more compact to create more room for reading.

    One of my biggest pet peeves of Google Reader is the limited amount of space actually dedicated to reading room. I always wondered why they didn't implement the same options that Google Docs has, where you can toggle between a compact tool bar and the normal tool bar.

    I know you guys are pushing to get other stuff done, but this would be awesome to implement down the road!

    539 votes
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  10. Fullscreen viewing

    Just like Google reader, allow for fullscreen viewing of the content without any other distractions by toggling the [F] key.

    458 votes
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  11. Allow to filter the feeds.

    I would like to filter the feeds based on their title and/or content.

    For example, in my "news" category, I could filter out all articles containing "football". Or for a specific feed, I could filter out the tag [apple] in the title. Those articles would be directly hidden, or marked as read.

    399 votes
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  12. Interface improvements

    There are couple of thing that needs to be improved in the interface of The Old Reader.

    1. Side menu needs to be limited in size when the browser window is stretched. On resolution of 1920x1080 the subscriptions menu takes up to 20% of the screen, The longest feed title I have is 230pixels wide which means almost half of the menu stays empty.

    2. The Subscription folders needs to be better distinguished from the feeds. All of the feeds are aligned right under the folder names. The folders names are grey and have smaller characters than the feeds. I would suggest…

    390 votes
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  13. Provide a different color theme option (dislike the green)

    I really don't like the current green color theme. I'm sure some people like it, but it bugs me. Any chance of introducing another color theme?

    368 votes
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  14. 368 votes
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  15. 336 votes
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  16. Per-feed and per-folder display settings

    Some of the settings (view unread vs. view all, feed display order, etc.) appear inconsistent in whether they apply to ALL feeds (i.e. they are global settings) or just the currently active feed. For example, there are certain blogs where I would like to have the older posts display first, so I can read it sequentially if I miss a post or two, but other blogs where I would like the NEWER posts to display first. Sort order appears to be a global setting, though, so I have to switch back and forth each time I change which blog I'm…

    273 votes
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  17. Add a way to like/star items in the list view

    That way, I can quickly sort through the headings while clicking on potentially interesting items, then go to the Liked section to read them all in one place.

    240 votes
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  18. folder refresh button

    would be great a folder refresh button, like the one used to refresh single feeds

    222 votes
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  19. Let me download all my data

    Not just the OPML file, but all data about what I read/shared/liked/etc. I want an escape hatch a la Google Takeout before I trust another web service with my data!

    200 votes
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  20. Refresh all feeds

    There should be a "Refresh all feeds" button.

    197 votes
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    “Refresh all feeds” button can only work in a reasonable amount of time for users that have a very small number of feeds (10-15 at most). An additional requirement will be for RSS feeds that are refreshed to serve their XML files very quickly.

    Please keep in mind that voting for this feature, you automatically vote for imposing a very low limit of feed count per user.

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