Let me download all my data
Not just the OPML file, but all data about what I read/shared/liked/etc. I want an escape hatch a la Google Takeout before I trust another web service with my data!

Anonymous commented
Can I automatically email me all the feed whenever new feed comes into the oldreader? I am using Android app to read while need to save all the feed on my laptop for windowsearch indexing. The best way I have found is theoldreader send me emails to me and outlook download and save on my laptop...
You can export an OPML of your feeds by going to Settings, scrolling to the bottom and clicking "export your feeds"
Anonymous commented
i would like to be able to grab my information and use another reader for free, how can i do that?
Dr. Dude commented
Any ability to download anything "liked" or "shared" for example into a format which can be read by usual bibliography programs (jabref, endnote), would be totally invaluable.
g.v. wilkes iv commented
I want to download OPML files please.
Doug Orleans commented
Yes, ideally it would be in a format that could be imported elsewhere, but I don't think there's any standard for that yet. But any machine-readable format would do.
Gergely Pihentagy commented
Could you import your read/shared/liked/etc data? If no, then what could you do with that data?