Tags On The Old Reader
Tags: General
Being able to tag items from feeds to separate them into folders for quick reference in the future (ie: watch, listen, read, etc...)

tom commented
tags would be awesome!
Anonymous commented
The TAG function is very powerful and useful, which can help us organize the posts clearly. The old reader would be the best one if it had such TAG function
Molly commented
I really feel like the 'ultimate' reader should have added tagging by now. I know a programmer. Call me.
Glen Bush commented
Just another person who insist on tags before I start using the old reader, but I would definitely use it if you had tags.
Alexandr XKS commented
As feature can be realized "Feed Recommendation", basing on tags cloud (categories) for feed of feed items, one for all site (like in Wikimapia)
David commented
I agree. The new version of Feedly imported my tags and provides an icon to tag an item in list view.
Michael commented
If you want to replace Google Reader you must allow importing and use of tags on posts. This is an important part of what makes Google Reader useful. I also need RSS feeds for each tag--this is also very important. Thanks.
Martin commented
Agreed, please, please make it possible to tag and star items, and to be able to import them from Google Reader. This is very central to my way of using an RSS reader.
Anonymous commented
Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaasseee add tags. You´d make my day, ahh better life ;)
Anonymous commented
please add possibility to tag sources and organize them to folders!!
Molly commented
I would also really, really, REALLY like to have a way to import my tagged articles. It was my main way of storing and sorting. Starring is just too broad.
[Deleted User] commented
Badly needed.
Meridith Moore commented
Tags would be very useful because an article might be in one folder, but apply to several different topics.
Chris Swenson commented
I found that tags just end up being folders for some feed items but not all. I would imagine that extending the current folder capability to be like a tag instead would change the behavior such that it would work in the same fashion as GReader's tags.
On the other hand, becoming so dependent on a particular feature that's locked into a product may not be very sound. I keep thinking instead of starring and tagging items, I should just make a bookmark. That way, if (gods forbid) The Old Reader disappears some day, I still have my "starred" and "tagged" items in my bookmarks. Same idea, just not in the same system.
Eric Ferza commented
That's one of the most important feature I need!
Anon commented
Tags and star items is why I used Google Reader. Please add support for this two.
Lucas Vigroux commented
Tagging is a nice way for me to keep items aside for later re-read, so having them on The Old Reader, and the option to import tags from Google Reader, would be absolutely great.
Cate Eales commented
I have hundreds of items tagged in Google Reader. I would really like to be able to have those items tagged here and to be able to tag future items.
Mariano Marjanček commented
And allow to import tags from Google Reader
JamaL commented
This should be a basic feature, organizing my favorite items