Open source code
It's a trend now.
Seriously, I want some improvements that I can make, so if code will be open, I think community can make a lot of work for this service.
Also some people do not want to give information about their interest to third partry companies, so they can host their own reader.
And no one will be able to close it out like Google Reader.

Christopher Weiss commented
Since you are kicking us out *sniff* and you don't seem interested in monetizing it, maybe you would consider a github repo for the code (please).
MrToast commented
I was thinking about coding a RSS aggregator like The Old Reader, with a special idea in mind. For my part, it will be a fabulous news if you open the source. May I'll join the party after that !
Sorry for my english.
Jan Dolinár commented
Opening the code up could IMHO greatly help to speed up the development. There is many people (including myself) that are aware how much work is needed to satisfy all the (legitimate) feature requests. I know, from my own experience, that often it is much quicker to just code the desired functionality and submit the patch for review than waiting when developers have time to cope with the simple, but low-priority tasks. Programmers all around the world would be able to help, and users would get nice features faster - it'll help everyone involved.
Eren commented
I would pay you on a monthly basis (or buy payed subscription if available) if you release your source code under a free license.
Juan Luis Chulilla commented
An open sourced product would mark the difference. Most possibly I would pay to you anyway in order to receive a good service for me and my community of sharebros. But without free software, a SaaS product is a cloudy chain, and after some disappointment it's not so easy to migrate an entire human group to a new solution.