Fullscreen viewing
Just like Google reader, allow for fullscreen viewing of the content without any other distractions by toggling the [F] key.

Isaac Witmer commented
I threw together a bookmarklet to fullscreen theoldreader: https://isaaclw.github.io/bookmarklets/theoldreader/install.html
It's pretty crappy, but should do the job for now.
Anonymous commented
Hi guys. I'm tired off waiting for this feature will be released and ... make a little chrome extension https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/the-old-reader-fullscreen/agpfmaecljlicbblpfpdijgkminmiobi
"f" key was already taken for something - so i put it on SHIFT + F.
Alexander Chemerys commented
This worked great! http://www.xcv58.com/2013/03/fullscreen-for-old-reader.html
Im using firefox. however i would like it to be native! please! -
Anonymous commented
Rob. commented
Link in comment from 毅鸿 陈 (march 28) works like a charm. Thanks!
Chak 47 commented
Thanks to the first commenter for the link - it works perfectly.
毅鸿 陈 commented
You can try this: http://www.xcv58.com/2013/03/fullscreen-for-old-reader.html
pakobill commented
Hi, I’m another guy that came from Google Reader and I miss this feature. I find it very usefull because I have a laptop with 10 inch screen and the workspace area is very limited.
It would be great that the aspect after pressing the "F key" (or one button on the screen for devices without keyboard) be like this screenshot:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/diuvujy3ipragm9/fullscreen.JPG -
Alistair MacDonald commented
On a mobile device with lots of subscriptions I need to scroll for an age before I get to the content every time. The ability to hide this list (without a key press on a phone/tablet) is what I need but the other requests for this have been closed and pointed to here so I will vote for this and just make the point that it is not quite the same request.
Martin Schoenmakers commented
I came here from a declined feature request to simulate the behavior of 'u'. They're not quite the same thing. 'u' takes the side bar away and replaces it with a drop-down type thing. 'f' takes away all the elements that aren't the article. (It's probably simplest to look at how greader does this.) If it's too similar to bother I can understand, given the work ahead of you, but I vastly prefer the 'u' behavior to the 'f' one, personally. If this request does cover both, then by all means keep the other a duplicate and I'll put my votes here.
Hugo Sena commented
And the [U] key to hide the side menu.