Allow to filter the feeds.
I would like to filter the feeds based on their title and/or content.
For example, in my "news" category, I could filter out all articles containing "football". Or for a specific feed, I could filter out the tag [apple] in the title. Those articles would be directly hidden, or marked as read.
Reed commented
Would like to be able to filter by patterns on title or text, but also by feed item metadata such as author.
Also, there are two stages at which a feed could be filtered: temporarily in the display (UI) of a feed or folder or All, and configure a feed to always apply a filter (i.e. when ToR first downloads the feed).
Ross Davis commented
Anonymous commented
This would be great!!
Anonymous commented
Having migrated from Google Reader, my Feedrinsed feeds don't rinse, they just go to the main feed. Anyway to fix this?
me commented
Age commented
What I'm looking for is a filter to hide all posts starting with a specific string/tag. I don't want to move them around to different folders or something, just get rid of them.
Aaron commented
There is currently a script that does this in Google Reader! Can filter by feed or by a folder of feeds. Would love to see something like this implemented before Greader shuts down...
Lindsay Towns commented
I agree with this! It'd be really nice to weed out all the NSFW crap that comes in from Tumblr.
Rob Schultz commented
I was looking for this with the name 'mute keyword,' which is what something like Tweetbot calls it.
Breno commented
that's what I'm looking for! Somethig like the "Google reader filter" plugin :)
klickster commented
I would like to filter by date (e.g. < 12hrs old -or- 2 days ago only -or- anything older than mm/dd/yyyy).
Enrico Lamperti commented
Regular Expressions FTW! :D
alex commented
That would be awesome. Nobody has been able to do that properly and easy to use yet. Oh wait Yahoo ? I don't like jokes.
Anonymous commented
Newsblur has this, but it doesn't work that well. Some kind of Bayesian/collaborative filtering
EH commented
I use feedrinse for this in greader, but it is buggy. A native function would be much appreciated.
anenatnaneisu commented
Of course, it would be great to be able to make more complex filters (like word1 AND word2). If it's too complicated you could let us write our own regex.