Move Pocket button to top of post
The Pocket button should go at the top of a post. I know almost immediately whether something is interesting but too long to read currently; I know before scrolling down the whole post (which is always going to be long). And I dislike scrolling so much because I'm afraid I might scroll right into the next post and mark things read by accident.
crimsonsnow commented
As for now, I think it has shortcut for Pocket (if you don't know it already), just press 'f'.
Meegan Desmond commented
+1 for me.
Many of my feeds are image heavy and by the time I skim to the Pocket button I end up seeing a lot of what I was hoping to save for later. I'd be equally happy with a Pocket shortcut as mentioned by Dave...if there is one already, I'm sorry I've missed it :)
Dave commented
+1 for me.
I often skim through my posts with the shortcut keys and know fairly quickly if I want to Pocket something or keep it unread. I just need to hit the button and then shortcut-j to the next item.
Possibly put the Pocket (and other buttons) at both the top and bottom, or make it selectable? Or, as mentioned by Stephen above, a shortcut for Pocketting would be good
Stephen Rees-Carter commented
An alternative, if you'd like to keep the buttons at the bottom, is to add a keyboard shortcut for Pocket. That way you could keep the buttons at the bottom, which is a consistent design, but make it easy to access Pocket :)
(Unless there already is a keyboard shortcut?)