Add option to highlight read/unread items differently
As a refugee from Google Reader, a nice feature I see missing is having the whole row for an item highlighted according to read status.
White for unread, yellow for currently selected, grey for read items.
You have the little green indicator next to each line, but whole line highlighting will make it easier to use at a glance.
Lila commented
I long for this feature to be added too.
Vinne2 commented
I second. I prefer marking read/unread by bolding and bg-color.
That's simple to do with Stylish for Firefox or for Chrome, I've made it for myself locally, the code is here: -
Charles Taylor commented
I, too, had no idea there even was a read/unread marker until I read this.
This was a solved problem - Google Reader did it the right way.
The TOR way is significantly worse.
Cyril Nicodème commented
And having an indicator to display which post is currently read (between the read/not read state) would be helpful : if I stop my reading here, I'll know where I'll be the next time.
Actually, I know wich ones I have read, and wich ones aren't read, but I don't know if, when I'll close the window, I'll start on the not read or the next not read item.
gharwo commented
Have to admit I was puzzled as to what indicated an item as read as I could see no difference between read/unread. The marker is so subtle, it was only when I read this wish-list item that I learnt about it.
Aaron B commented
Or perhaps the article titles should be bold for unread, regular / non-bold for read.
Top Floor commented
Yes the current marking for unread articles is a little too subtle.
Anonymous commented
Noticed the same, it's currently slower to see which feeds have unread items than in google reader for example.