Add "Mark Previous as Read" feature
This is a feature in Google's Android app, but NOT their web interface (????). But it is OH SO helpful.
Say you have 900 unread items, but only time to scan over 300 and read 15. With this, you can scroll through the listing, check out interesting titles, skip the rest, then hit "mark previous as read" when you have to leave. Next time you come back, you start right where you left off.
It is, in my own opinion, a much more "powerful" feature than "Mark All as Read."
Anonymous commented
I also don't understand how this feature is available on the Android App (Greader) and not on the Web Interface.
Robert Eden commented
looks like if you are in list view and click to view an item, all previous is marked read automatically! That works for me, probably just needs better documentation. (although some may want that behavior)