Keep all unread posts, not only the newest ones when not using Reader for a while
When one is offline during holidays they might want to see all the news from the period of time, not only the newest ones. Keep all the unread posts.

Erin commented
Or at least add a settings customization of the definition of "a while" per account (in "If you don't access The Old Reader for /a while/, your account will be marked as inactive, and we will only keep the last 10 entries of each feed for you"). And/or a vacation setting. Please don't mark my posts read behind my back! It's terrible.
Kuba Herczynski commented
Yes! This is similar to
but not the same thing. I once not logged in for a week and had to move back to google reader to read all the stuff, now thats not an option. please allow us to have an inactivity period longer than a week. a month at least, better yet - a year...
Nikki JumpFly commented
Yes please. In Google reader, I can see 27 posts, but in The Old Reader, I can only see 10. Anything older than seven days is gone... I only check go in a couple times a month to see blogs.
Anonymous commented
a billion times yes!
Part of having a reader is so that I don't miss stuff by not checking in all the time! -
Andreas Janßen commented
Yes, please!
I've got a feed that has around 200-300 items per day. After one or two days the items are being deleted and I cannot view them here again. :(