"Mark all as read" shouldn't mark articles not yet displayed
When you hit "mark all as read" there may be new articles that haven't yet appeared in the list (i.e. will appear after a refresh of the list). Currently these pending articles are marked as read - but they shouldn't be (the user doesn't know how many there are and what they're about).
Google Reader would only mark as read articles actually in the list. This is the right behaviour.

Allen Crawford commented
I just made the following post on gReader's Google Group: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/g_reader/kiBfAPr-moU/FpGS3SxdgM8J. I wasn't sure who was at fault here, but it seems that the issue is on TOR's end. I didn't realize this was an issue on the desktop version of TOR either, thought it only affected the mobile API. Hopefully this can be worked out in the near future.
Anonymous commented
Hi, can some one from TheOldReader team to answer is they work or planned to fix this problem. Every time before I mark all as read from folder I click again to refresh and see if there is new articles to not miss them. But when I use gReader in my android smartphone I cannot do this and I sometimes dismiss some articles. In Google Reader when mark all as read and at this time there is new one they are display in list as unread. Please mark this bug as important.
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem with "Mark all as read". I have listed about 10 articles and TheOldReader say in this folder there is 40. When I "mark all as read" it marks all of then and I need to show all articles to see this 30 i miss. It is very serious problem and It must my fix as soon as posible!!
Roy Stogner commented
This is an *incredibly* important feature - without it, it's nearly impossible to use TheOldReader without inadvertently skipping entries. Pending articles are "new" only in the sense that they haven't appeared yet; they can still be old in terms of the absolute date if their RSS feed takes time to "promote" old posts or if TheOldReader doesn't refresh that particular feed frequently. Those "new old" posts then get completely buried and missed.