Extended search
- all items
- unread items
- shared by you
- shared by friends
- search in specific feeds
- search by date
Reg Nordman commented
Where is the search box today?
Mista Johnson commented
In google, we were able to select a feed and search within the feed. I would like to be about to seach individual feeds and also have the option to exclude.
Terry Kuny commented
I am finding the search to be very challenging even at the basic level. Basic phrase searching does not seem to work, e.g. "Irving Berlin", nor do AND or OR Boolean operators. It makes it very difficult to find things. Am I missing something here? Having ability to facet and limit searches is nice, but I would love the basics to be working well.
Anonymous commented
I would really like to be able to search by keyword in the article descriptions as well as the title.
Glen Skinner commented
-Search by Keyword
-Search by Title
-Search by AuthorApologies if this is already available.