"Email" button
- maintain a list of email addresses in user settings.
- after user hits the Email button, we should show that list and send a link to the post to the chosen email address.
- we could also make an input field in that list for user to enter any email address

Implemented in new Send To functionality
Ken Young commented
yes, I often used the email button in google reader. Important to send content, not just link.
Penni commented
Please add email button link and if possible content as well! Between professional and friends, ability to decide whom to send info needs to be a case by case situation.
Juan Do commented
I like this idea very much, especially what Alcides Fonseca said: email the content, not just the link.
Anna Marquardt commented
I love The Old Reader, but many of my friends haven't switched yet - adding an email button would not only allow me to send them posts, but also alert them to your existence! TWO THINGS IN ONE
Roger Gough commented
eric festinger commented
Ooooh yes, it would be really more practical instead of opening the link in the new tab, then send it through email!
Anonymous commented
Please add an email button. I can't believe this isn't a feature already!
Anonymous commented
need, need, need this. For some reason, thought it was in here, so switched to Old Reader.
Ryan Baker commented
Another enthusiastic vote for an email button.
Lilly , commented
This feature is very needed, specially now that the Google Reader user's are going to different services. I can't rely only on the sharing inside The Old Reader (which is great, by the way).
Calvin commented
This is the one feature that will keep me on Google Reader until it is killed in July.
justinshivers commented
You will win a lot of people over if you add an email button. The UI is very clean and resembles greader more than any other alternatives I've used thus far. Please consider adding..
Jesper Thunstedt commented
This is the most important thing missing imho. All my sharing is done by e-mail.
massalo commented
"this is really the one feature that The Old Reader is missing when compared to gReader."
same! this is the one feature missing that makes not jump 100% just yet -
bmenant commented
I would like the email button with the ability to add a note (just like GReader and like the share button, actually).
Otherwise, maybe the "Share" button should propose a checkboxe "Also share by email"… ?
Jen commented
I would like an email button as well. Email is my primary method of sharing entertaining posts.
[Deleted User] commented
This is the one thing I'd like to see the most. 3 votes!
Matthew Petty commented
Another vote for an email button
Kelly commented
Please add an "email" button. I would use this feature multiple times daily.
Angie commented
Yes, please have a similar email share feature as Google Reader. Not everyone uses social networking sites to share.
Having the content of the article in the email is much better than sending people a link.