Extend keyboard shortcuts
I'd love to be able to exclusively use keyboard shortcuts rather than ever touch the mouse. To that end:
- add a '?' shortcut that gives an overlay describing available shortcuts
- add a shortcut to mark a post unread
Most of requested shortcuts have been implemented, check out the announcement at http://blog.theoldreader.com/
If you think that more keyboard shortcuts should be added, please create separate feature requests for each additional shortcut. This will allow others to vote and will help us prioritize.
UPD: We also have fixed shortcuts for international layouts and added ‘x’ key to toggle posts in list view.
lilly commented
please put these short cuts on the knowledge base information page, or at least link to the actual blog page on the announcement.
Klas Š. commented
"Go to tag/subscription/friend" keyboard shortcuts: http://theoldreader.uservoice.com/forums/187017-feature-requests/suggestions/3950294-go-to-tag-subscription-friend-keyboard-shortcuts
Vote if you're interested.
Vaclav Domin commented
The "?" key na czech (and other then eglish) keyboard settings is not functional. I must change kayboard to english, press "?" and its working.
Slein Enrob commented
? doesnt work for me with a french azerty keyboard - probably because I have to use the shift key to type ? . Could anyone post the list of shortcuts somewhere so that I can at least access these ?
MA commented
This is great progress. There are some bugs. e.g., s-x to open a folder then n to read the first posting, then s-x again does not toggle the folder closed. It should like Google Reader.
Navigating the left-hand folder/feed list is painfully slow. Not sure why. I have under 2,000 feeds and Google Reader works really fast with the same set of feeds.
The UI doesn't clearly indicate where the cursor is (I did notice this little vertical bar).
The scrollbars on the folder/feed list don't appear until one moves the mouse over there which is against the point of using keyboard shortcuts as a power-user tool.
After changing settings and saving them, the UI doesn't revert to reader mode. This confused me a bit since the keyboard focus was hard to find. I had to click around to force focus on the folder/feed list.
The focused folder/feed seems to always be at the top which forces one's eyes to the top of the screen vs. following the logical progression of the cursor one is moving.
Did I mention that this is painfully slow?
Thanks for your comment, Bill. We've fixed the way 'n' and 'p' shortcuts work.
Bill Parrott commented
You _almost_ got it. The 'n' and 'p' shortcuts, however, should not open the items when moving forward and back in the list. The way you have it now, they are basically just redundant shortcuts for 'j' and 'k'.
Olof Samuelsson commented
Beautiful! Thanks! Interestingly, the only shortcut that does not work is ?, unless I switch to a US-English keyboard :-) Maybe add a binding for shift-h for the help overlay to help the non-US/UK new users? I am delighted, anyway, thanks again!
Kristan Hoffman commented
THANK YOU, the new list of commands is great! I particularly love "open in a background tab" and "toggle read/unread" -- neither of which Google Reader had!
Anonymous commented
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this one yet, but I would love to see (all of these in list view):
o for opening/closing a post
n for highlighting next post (but not opening it)
p for highlighting previous post (but not opening it) -
gweilo8888 commented
I'd also like to see behavior of the keyboard shortcuts from Google Reader mirrored. The existing shortcuts drive me nuts, especially the fact that I cannot start from the middle of the list of items with p / n. (Currently, if I know I want to leave the newest few items for later, I have to tap n/m over and over to get past them without marking them unread, or I have to manually click on every subsequent item to read it, because n by itself after tapping in the middle of the list of items jumps me to the top of the list.)
Robert Munteanu commented
'Shift+a' for mark all as read would be great
'a' for adding a subscription would be nice -
Sam Leitch commented
+1 r for refresh
Something for mark unread (u perhaps) -
Inca commented
p and n shortcuts from Google reader are a MUST for me. I simply cannot deal with having every item open even when I am not interested in it.
Thanks for all your efforts.
Kululu commented
I want to change your own keyboard shortcuts
Anonymous commented
F for fullscreen
Anonymous commented
I was always a fan of being able to use the keyboard to open All Items, and return to the Home page. plsmkthshppn
Anonymous commented
'n' is opening the record and marks it as read, that just pisses me off. It should just scan through the list.
"n/p scan down/up in list view, selects the next item without opening it"
http://support.google.com/reader/answer/69973?hl=en -
wogong commented
"a" for add subscription.
Alan K commented
I'd like the ability to navigate between groups like Google Reader. shift-n / shift-o are the google shortcuts.