We should make an API for external clients to connect to The Old Reader.
API is ready.
See apps list and documentation here:
Lars Windolf commented
I just implemented synchronization support to TheOldReader in Linux desktop aggregator Liferea (http://lzone.de/liferea). Just wanted to let you know...
Andrew Allen commented
Could not agree more. Supporting an API, clone of Greader or not, is essential for TOR to continue in the mobile space. Love it on the desktop browser, but NEED it supported by existing apps.
Keith Zubot-Gephart commented
I wholeheartedly agree that the best way forward is to copy the Google Reader API. Hell, even folks like myself---who've only barely dipped their toes into app development on various platforms---could submit patches to existing apps to add support for The Old Reader. Without that, I can't foresee using The Old Reader; with, I'd jump on the bandwagon immediately (including, as aforementioned, patching apps; there's an old Nook GReader app that I have my eye on, for example, along with my personal favourite niche platform of MeeGo).
Sean C. Thomas commented
i have sent in feedback to the developer of Reeder (www.reederapp.com) to see if he would include The Old Reader as a third party. i think it be a great fit for both parties.
Marc commented
Why develop iOS, iPad, Apple TV, Androïd and lots of other apps, given that all this ecosystem ever exsits, based on Google Reader API ?
Develop a copy of this API would be really nice and would make possible for me to continue to user Just Reader, my favorite Androïd rss reader.
Congrat anbd thank you for the Web interface of The old reader, it is very pleasant to use.
Anonymous commented
if TOR works with apps such as Reeder and Flipboard, that wil be brilliant
Soulhand commented
Please make this so I can use ifttt.com to (e.g) send an article to evernote when I mark it somehow (share or like doesn't seem right - are you planning to add stars?)
Luiz commented
Anonymous commented
Like seriously, if you guys make a generic API to mimic Google Reader's functionality that can be used by the plethora of apps out there, you would win the Internets in this game... gReader on android is currently figuring out which service to hook on to once Google Reader kicks the bucket.
I love your interface. If you come out with the API first before Feedly or others, you will win. Just sayin'
Everette Beatley commented
I agree with implementing the current Google reader API for your back end. This is also what Feedly is doing and would make the switch over for current Google reader clients seamless.
Tim Delaney commented
The #1 need I have is the old "public folders" functionality from Reader. I organise my feeds into folders, then get the Atom feed for the public folder as an aggregated feed of all the feeds contained within that folder.
Don't care if it's Atom or RSS, but this is necessary functionality for me (I have other services relying on it). If I can't find someone who'll commit to doing this soon I'm going to have to roll my own :(
John Ruble commented
A generic API would be swell, but if you choose just one of the orphaned android clients I vote for 'Press'.
jh commented
Now that google reader is gone, I need an app with support for Windows Phone. I'll write the app myself, I just need an API!
Ben Vanik commented
Really want Reeder!
Chris Clark commented
With the demise of Google Reader today I found this. An API would be amazing now for all the orphaned apps that depend on Reader. I absolutely love gReader on Android and it would be awesome if he chose to sync here instead.
Kevin Ould commented
agreed, lack of an android app hasn't kept my from switched but made the choice much harder as I loved be able to easily catch up on my feeds using one of the many google reader android apps with syncing. yes I know I can open it in a mobile browser but it feels a little clunky doing that.
the paul commented
support for the Reeder app is my main obstacle too. that would be splendiferous.
Miguel A. Arévalo commented
What about just implementing the Google Reader API ... I'm sure many GR clients will add the option to use your backend. Free clients and free publicity!
Jan Kazemier commented
This would enable me to make an Android app. Probably others will create apps for Android/iOS/whatever too! This is why Twitter is doing so well.
George Nachman commented
Support by a mobile app like Reeder is all that's keeping me from switching!