Create a "current post" indicator
Google Reader uses a [blue] highlight on the left border of a post to indicate which one is the current, that will receive all the actions from keyboard shortcuts (un/like, un/share, mark as un/read, ...)
Currently, The Ol' Reader uses instead a [green] highlight on the left border to indicate if the post is marked as un/read and, as far as I can tell, considers the top-most (partially or completely) visible post as the current one. This happens even if the user is using "list" mode and any other post, that is not the first, is the one actually expanded to be read.
So, concisely: we need a visual cue to indicate which post is the one actually receiving all actions from keyboard shortcuts, because the way it is now is somewhat confusing.

homie commented
I would add that there should not only be a visual indication of the selected post, but the selected post should be rather "last clicked" than "the topmost post".
Kristan Hoffman commented
To piggyback on this suggestion/request, let me say that I find the current green border both confusing and overly subtle.
It seems counterintuitive to me that ALL posts have a green border until they are read -- at which point, the green border disappears.
Instead, I think it would make more sense, visually, for all articles to have NO border, until they are selected, at which point the green border would appear to show that this is the "active" article.
Basically the INVERSE of how the green border acts now.