Subscribing bookmarklet
A bookmarklet to subscribe to any feed right from the site, avoiding going to the The Old Reader page. Saving time, you know? ;)
Done. Added to bookmarklets list here:
Anonymous commented
some sites have no choices, most do not have an option for The Old Reader
Andy Cahill commented
No need to add an extension, you can add as a feed handler with a bookmarklet. I posted about this over here:
On the other hand, the manual process is a bit of a pain (at least this way you only need to use the bookmarklet once, unlike the one Vector posted). Hopefully they'll add it to their homepage at some point.
Kevin, the referer check is there to prevent people from subscribing you to their feeds without your consent, using hidden img or iframe tags. We will be fixing it properly when we have time – there is going to be a confirmation before the subscription is active. But meanwhile the referer check is your only mean of protection.
Kevin Karplus commented
Vector's method almost works—it works fine from a javscript console, but not if there is a referrer header sent.
I found a workaround that blanks the referrer header and makes the bookmarklet work, but it is ugly. I'd much rather that theoldreader fixed their code so that the URL that Vector constructs does the right thing even if there is a referrer header. -
Sergio commented
Thanks Sivan. Seems to work!
Sivan Orkin commented
The Old Reader automatically registers itself with . SubToMe provides a bookmarklet to subscribe to the current page's feed (it's what it's for). I've never heard of it before now, but it seems to work perfectly so far.
For reference: I found this in the source:
<iframe src="" style="display:none;"> -
Anonymous commented
Whee do I find the Firefox fed handler?
Vector commented
Here is the bookmarklet:
————————————————For those who doesn't know:
1. Create a new bookmark on your Bookmarks bar
2. Open the properties of that newly-created bookmark
3. Copy the above string and paste it to the bookmark's «URL» field
4. Give it a name of your choice -
Alexander Kashev commented
You can use "RSS Subscription" Chrome extension or Firefox feed handler for this.
The URL you should be using is '';This should really, really be in the Knowledge Base.
Anonymous commented
Another vote for a subscribe button for my tool bar. I have read the comments and not being that computer savvy I don't know how to take this information and apply it. I looked at the firefox feeder instructions and my head exploded. Can some one help me?
Tory Braybrook commented
Another vote for the bookmarklet. It's the first thing I add to any new firefox install!
Anonymous commented
I'd rather this just use the browser's built-in functions. Bookmarklets waste so much space
ifrit commented
Yes, Kristan, I'm not talkinga about a complicate extension, just a bookmark like this one frome Google Reader javascript:var%20b=document.body;var%20GR________bookmarklet_domain='';if(b&&!document.xmlVersion){void(z=document.createElement('script'));void(z.src='');void(b.appendChild(z));}else{location=''+encodeURIComponent(location.href)}
I have bookmarklets for Instapaper, Delicious, Twitter, Tumblr, Branch, Storify, Pinterest, +Whislist,, Dropmark... Light, easy and useful ;)
Kristan Hoffman commented
I would prefer not to need another extension (too many starts loading down one's browser). A simple Javascript bookmarklet would be better, IMO. (Also, the "RSS Subscription" extension has some iffy reviews...)
ifrit commented
Thanks for the fast answer :) This information should be in the tour.
And, anyway, a bookmarklet would be easier than doing this (for most of the users)
You can use "RSS Subscription" Chrome extension or Firefox feed handler for this.
The URL you should be using is '';