Explain your business model
I'm leery of free services that don't explain what their business model is. Am I the customer, or the product?

Here are related blog post, more information to come.
Eduardo Miranda commented
the reply came http://blog.theoldreader.com/post/45337829605/unexpected-day-what-are-we-gonna-do-about-google
"We have been discussing this quite a lot recently, and we decided that paid accounts (the freemium model) are the way to go. We want to keep making a great product for our users, not cater it for advertisers’ needs.
We are going to be honest, we have not even started coding this yet. However, we would like to get this news out as soon as possible for everyone to know the way we will be going. Paid accounts will have some additional features, but the basic free accounts will still be 100% usable. We are not in this game to make money, but we want to give something special back to the people who are going to be supporting us."