Manage folders and feeds
Pretty much like "subscriptions mass operations" [1] page but for folders creation/rename/organization. Would also merge these requests:
"Different colors for folders/feeds" [2]
"Collapse folders as the default view" [3]
"Allow folders to be arranged like individual feeds" [4]
"Per-feed display settings" [5]

There’s now a subscription management page that allows you to unsubscribe from/move your subscriptions. You can get there by clicking on “Subscriptions” in the user name dropdown in the upper right.
Joan Alia commented
I might want to be capable add new feeds straightforwardly to an envelope as opposed to making them add each feed and afterward move it to an organizer. Interestingly I added another feed to my current feeds and it was lumbering to need to drag the new feed to the right organizer. I would like to be permitted to chosen the objective envelope once I add the new feed. I have 30+ thus envelope (with various feeds inside) so it can undoubtedly require a few minutes to drag the new component into the right organizer.
Richard Mitnick - You can alphabetize your feeds in settings here: - Near the bottom, the setting is "Sort Folders/Feeds Alphabetically"
Richard Mitnick commented
How can I alphabetize my feeds. They are way out of order and I want them to be in alphabetical order.
Missey J commented
Having lots of stufffeeds to read through speedily and more efficiently an arrangement using a hierarchical tree or folder nesting-type structure would more easily facilitate this for me. Having different colored folders is another great option.
Lisa H. commented
Wow, I'm disappointed there apparently hasn't been any movement on this in more than a year and a half.
Is there anywhere we can find out what, if any, features or enhancements Old Reader staff *are* working on?
Cat Winterfox commented
I'm just going to second pretty much everything here. I especially would love to be able to assign a folder as I add a feed. Sort options would also be fabulous.
S - In settings, if you uncheck "Show only those folders/feeds that have unread items" you will see all folders and all subscriptions, whether or not they have unread items.
S commented
There's no way to see my "empty" folders - ones with feeds but the feeds don't have any unread articles.
How in the world am I supposed to organize my feeds in my folders, if there's no way to see these empty folders to drop the feed into?
Anonymous commented
I would like to be able add new feeds directly to a folder rather than making them add each feed and then move it to a folder. For the first time I added a new feed to my existing feeds and it was cumbersome to have to drag the new feed to the right folder. I would prefer to be allowed to selected the destination folder once I add the new feed. I have 30+ and so folder (with multiple feeds inside) so it can easily take several minutes to drag the new element into the right folder.
Eduardo Miranda commented
I don't know what would be less time-consuming work for them:
1- nesting folders, or
2- tags as folders
but either one would allow to manage/view subscriptions in more or less fine-grained grouping -
BogBeast commented
Can we join this with Nested folders too ?
I have so many feeds now I would like to organise AND view them in a hierarchical view.
For instance have a hardware folder with multiple folder underneath - one for driver, one for mainboards etc etc..
YaaL commented
Unless I'm missing something completely, it's not possible to find which folder is a feed assigned to (for example - if you search for something and click on the feed).
It's quite annoying, especially when you're trying to organise your feeds and accidentally drop one in the wrong place - very easy if you have 20+ folders and the destination folder is currently out of view and you have to scroll to reach it. -
amireza commented
how i can rename folders?
Deborah commented
iPhone and iPad have no drag and drop. Provide a simple and fast way to reorder feeds on devices without drag and drop!
kraeger commented
please improve feed management ! dragging is a nightmare :-(
Frank commented
folder colors & greyed out ones that have been read would be awesome.
fr4n commented
alphabetical order, please!
Anonymous commented
I'd like to be able to delete multiple feeds in one go. I don't think it's possible right now?
Juan Lopez commented
hi, how do you delete a subscription?
Matoro commented
I do like the idea of color coding. It would be easier on the eyes and easy to track stuff.