Allow me to sort my subscriptions/folders alphabetically
You may now sort your feeds and folders alphabetically by going to settings and checking “Sort folders/feeds alphabetically”.
Anonymous commented
The Old Reader could be the best RSS reader, but not without this option; if you have so much feeds, drag and drop is not a good option.
Kamui Hyuga commented
I would greatly appreciate this as well.
annemh2 commented
Yes, please!
Eric Ferza commented
Definitely usefull and at the foirst place when you import an OPML file!!
Keith Petersen commented
Alphabetical sort of folders by name would make it easier to find the folder you are looking for.
TG2 commented
Lets further characterize this ....
1) within the folder
2) within the list of folders
3) always sort - thus when adding new feeds to a folder, you don't have to manually resort
4) allow always sort to be turned off as "sort on demand" holding the last view the user had of their sorted / unsorted items.
5) eventually add the option to mark a feed as "do not auto sort"no harm meant to the rest of you.. but a "me too" without making sure you're covering the bases of the feature request, leads to poorly implemented features.. look at the five parts I've just added ...
... could there be more?... how about:
6) reverse sort? I mean that should go without saying ... right? but that is not entirely true.. because I've seen such horrible stuff in the past.
7) an "unsort" ... or "revert to previous sort" ... so that if you accidentally change the wrong sort (suppose I want folders in my choosen order, and the feeds under the folders alphabetical ... and do I want *each* folder to have its OWN sort order???)
seriously.. the better we describe the facets of the feature we want... the better the feature will ultimately be, and more likely the first rev will be made with most of the sub-parts of the feature already included...
Yigal Chamish commented
Anonymous commented
Yes, please!
Anonymous commented
oh yes please!
Bandini commented
Please, make it!