don't mark newer items as read when reading an older item
Say you open a category and there are 10 new, unread items. When you click the 5th item, it opens and you can read it. But now items 1-4 are also marked as read (no green bar anymore), while the items 6-10 are left unread.
This is confusing and unlogical, especially when you read chronologically (older items first, moving your way up).

Please turn off ‘scroll to mark as read’ option in settings.
James R Grinter commented
Ahah! "Scroll to Mark as read" was just what I was trying to understand/stop from happening. I was beginning to think it was a bug.
Mircea Sabau commented
i have see also this ugly change on your reader...i have 25 on my rss list and after i read one from those 25 it show that i already read them all...that is suck's, ok i made the changes to turn off ‘scroll to mark as read’ option in settings. and let's see what is going to show from now on, thank you for sugestion :)
Rebecca, have you tried checking the option, saving your settings, and then unchecking it again?
Rebecca Penny commented
I have the same exceptionally frustrating problem, and I do have the "Scroll to mark as read" box unchecked...
Renato Cerqueira commented
Hm. So that's what happened, I don't see why in List View this should be on by default. It makes more sense on full view, and I thought it was a bug in List View.