make the timestamps on the posts say when was it posted and not how long ago
I find it rather more useful to see when was the post created, posted or fetched instead of looking at how long ago was that. It is easier to read posts starting at a certain hour o time and not having to count back the hours. Thank you

You can now hover the post to see exact timestamp.
Evo commented
There is plenty of room to list both (relative time and actual time) for each post. Please do so. GReader showed both actual time and x hours ago without any need to hover over it.
Lisa H. commented
I'm out of votes, but I agree with the other commenter that this should be a setting. Sometimes it's useful to have it one way and sometimes the other. (Google Reader I think changes between them based on how long ago the post was...?)
Anonymous commented
In many cases it's quite convenient to see seeing how long ago it was posted, so I'd prefer this be configurable rather than just changed. It would be even more amazing to have it separately configurable as global default, separately per feed, and per folder.