Ability to share with followers and not the public
I like the ability to share items publicly, but it would also be nice to only share items with people who follow you, all or specific people.
And it would also be nice if you could prevent people from commenting on your public shared items.

This has now been released. If you go to your settings, you can choose to protect your shared items. If selected, you must approve all new follow requests, and your shared items will not be available to anyone except your followers.
If you “like” a post, your name may still appear on the post for all users.
Anonymous commented
a thread from 2012 said this public vs private sharing was pending. i feel like its never going to be implemented. sucks!
Remco Seesink commented
Just an option to disable the public profile and share with friends only would be enough for me.
Gishiki commented
Agreed! I have different groups of friends I'd want to share things with - having them all go into one big pot is useless unless I maintain different accounts. And most of those I wouldn't want public, especially the comments since they're all private conversations.
Joe Proper commented
This is something you would figure would be obvious. I have some people who I'd like to collaborate with, but do not want the entire public seeing what I share, only the people who are following me, or specific users.
Right now it seems that when you share something, your followers and the entire public can see it, which is not good, IMO.
Is this being worked on or considered?