Fix referrer sending so it doesn't tigger anti-hotlinking code
JWZ's blog is replacing images with an anti-hotlinking image because of something being odd about the referrer:

This should be fixed on side. Reading an RSS feed via a web RSS reader will always result in “hotlinking”, that’s just how browsers work.
Matt Vandint commented
Interestingly, this is fixed (on someone's side, could well have been his) for the original RSS side... However, it's not if I then share something - while I get the actual post, all the co-workers I'd shared JWZ's posts with got the (offensive) hotlink image...
So while things have been fixed (by you or by him) as far as RSS is concerned, I hope you reopen this and fix your sharing mechanism.
Anonymous commented
Do you guys know who jwz is? Suggesting the fix should be on his side is incredibly ridiculous.
Chas. Owens commented
Not all hotlinking is stopped, just stuff that looks like it is from an abusive site. Google Reader worked just fine. If you read the comment I linked you will see that there is something odd about how The Old Reader handles referrers that is triggering the abuse detection code.