Remove/disable/change "Mark All As Read" on the "View All" view
Accidentally clicking "Mark All As Read" when in the "View All" view is one of the most catestrophic things I've done by mistake in TOR. My suggestion is to remove it from the "View All" view, perhaps moving it to a menu or other less easily accesible location, or to protect it with a confirmation dialog. (Having an "undo" for this or for all "Mark all as read" actions would be great too of course, but simply changing it in the special case of the "View All" page might be easier?)
There is an option in your settings called “Protect me from accidentally marking all as read”. If you select this, your click will always be confirmed before marking as read
Anonymous commented
Okay but when I do this the first time and am processing the disastrous consequences, nothing in the UI (a) helped me undo that or (b) informed me that I could disable it.