Variable sidebar width
Users should be able to resize sidebar using drag&drop.

Evo commented
FYI -- The custom style below no longer works. Oldreader support tells me the following code should work:
@-moz-document domain("") {
.container-fluid .row-fluid .span3 {
width: 240px;
}In any case, please add the feature already, Oldreader! It's been 2.5 years and 160 votes for a trivial change on your end...
crimsonsnow commented
I support this also. I usually have my browser only taking half of my window for productivity, and for now The Old Reader is shown as continuous (as in feeds group on the top, followed by articles below) in this half-window browser, and it's really disrupt my workflow. If The Old Reader can make auto-hide feed group in half-window, that's also nice.
homie commented
Maybe custom style will be an option for someone. -
Anthony Damico commented
yes please
Black commented
A waste of space with a fixed sidebar imho!
Lisa H. commented
I agree. The fixed (I guess percentage based?) width is quite wide on a wide screen, lots of wasted space, and I would like to be able to make it narrower - but then have it stay there unless I manually move it again.
oggo loggo commented
It's fine if it's resizable, but just make it stay whatever size it is, instead of changing size when the browser changes size. It's way too wide, when I have my browser maximized.
TG2 commented
This also goes into the broader topic of simplified user controls.
It bothers me .. that The Old Reader has split off from Google Reader .. and didn't take one of *THE BIGGEST* issues to heart ... in that much of what google does wrong, is to deny user choices ...
In just 5 minutes of being here ... I've already discovered a number of these things that truly belong under an overall "Layout" category.
* Width of the left column
* Number of lines returned for the first click preview
* White Space around items in List view ... reducing the wasted space you can easily fit 1.5x the number of article/item/feed entries
* Always visible scroll bars -
Adam commented
I'm looking for this too. At this point I've transitioned completely over from greader to theoldreader, and it's got basically everything I wanted from greader except for this. Preferably, the sidebar should just have something you can drag to change the width, that would then remember that setting permanently. You could then also presumably put something on that drag bar you could click to minimize it to the side completely, and click again to put it back where it was. I also generally just use all items, but I like having the sidebar visible, personally - just about half as wide.
Barring that, I did intend to look into Stylish... it could modify the width on the client side pretty easily, I've just been lazy and had other things to do. >.>
Anonymous commented
Please make it possible to resize the left sidebar with the feeds. I want to make it narrower. Maybe you can make it possible to resize it with the mouse. thx.
Top Floor commented
I too would like the side bar navigation to be hide-able. I usually use the all items view and only use the navigation if there is something further in the past in a specific feed I'm looking for. Otherwise it is taking up space I'd rather use for the feed view.
Iñigo Serna commented
I noted was closed as duplicated of this one.
They are related, but different.
This one is for horizontal space (width), the other is for vertical space (height). -
Calvin Walton commented
I used to use Google Reader with the sidebar completely hidden, since I only ever use the "All Items" view. It would be nice to support this as well; My browser window is normally pretty small, and the unused sidebar cuts into my reading area :)