Sending to evernote posts that I like
At this moment I do a think that is really great. I have a trigger on ifttt that send to Evernote each post that I like on GReader, that means that I my evernote account I have a folder that has inside all the posts that I liked, organized by the feed title. It's easy to do, maybe just adding RSS to the "Love" section, or integrating itself in The old reader (maybe better).

This is now possible with the new Send To functionality
Anonymous commented
I would love this feature on The Old Reader and always wished that GReader had it. I use Evernote to store a lot of the recipes that I find in reading my cooking blog rss feeds - currently I have to open the desired post in a new tab, and then click my "Clip to Evernote" button. Having such a button (which allowed for adding tags etc) in The Old Reader would be awesome.
[A temp. substitute would be providing email capabilities, since you can email articles to evernote to be saved. However, that interface is somewhat clunky and annoying, especially for filing in the correct folder with the correct tags] -
Kim Toufectis commented
I miss this about GReader as well, and may have a work-around to suggest: It isn't seamless, but if you enable Pocket (formerly Read It Later) in The Old Reader, you can have IFTTT forward your Pocket items to Evernote. I also miss being able to share via e-mail...but I can do that within Evernote.
anonymous commented
Very simple and extremely useful.
Anonymous commented
I absolutely agree. I loved using the feature in Google Reader and it's a simple way to extend functionality and increase exposure for The Old Reader.
Logan Gloor commented
+1 vote for evernote support!!
Eren commented
This suggestion is also related to enabling other social sharing features: