allow me to unsubscribe from feeds
People didn't like the placement of the old "unsubscribe" button. Now, the button seems to be gone entirely. I don't even see an option to re-enable it. Was this intentional?

“Unsubscribe” button is now on the right-hand side from the feed title:
Anonymous commented
The unsubscribe botton isn't working for me either. I'm using Chrome.
José de Jesús Barajas commented
I am trying to delete a feed but the unsubscribe button is not functioning. I see the button but nothing happens when I click.
Basilevs - Yes, just make sure in your settings you've got "Show only those folders/feeds that have unread items" un-checked.
Basilevs commented
Can one unsubscribe from a feed that has no unread items?
Anonymous commented
Aha! Adblock Plus for Chrome was hiding this button for some reason. Thanks for the tip Luke.
Anonymous commented
I have tried this feature and it does not appear to work. At least not on my feeds. Looked through the knowledge base but didn't find any answers on anything I have to do to make it work. Thoughts? I moved all my feeds over from google reader and verified all my feeds to be sure I still wanted them. Found eleven I would like to delete. thanks for any assistance.
Luke Ritchie commented
OK. Adblock was hiding that button.