Bulk Edit: Mark as Unread/Read/Highlight Multiple Items
I would really love to be able to Ctrl or Shift Click to select multiple items in my feed (or even just use an old fashioned check box) so I could select either Mark as Read or Mark as Unread. I understand that you have chosen to limit the number of unread articles per account (though don't really understand why) but to stay on top of feeds, bulk editing is therefore very necessary. Others have suggested bulk actions, but marking unread is as important if you're going to artificially enforce "mark as read" on articles I haven't, actually, read!

GnorthernGnome commented
I actually had missed that, will definitely flag it, though still feel the more important is a "mark as unread" in bulk options, which would also be great!
Just to make sure, you do see our Mark As Read now supports an "Older Than" concept? So you can mark items as read older than 1 week, 1 month or 1 year.