allow turning off "scrolling past item marks it read" as an option
I don't find the auto-marked-"read" behavior useful (though I know others do). It'd be nice to be able to turn this off.

Ross Rogers commented
Thanks for the feature guys!
To enable the feature:
* go to the top right
* click settings
* Uncheck the box next to "Scrolling through posts marks them as read" -
Chris commented
This issue appears to have been "Completed", but I don't see anything in the comments about how to turn off the auto-marked-"read" behavior. How do I do this?
Sorry if I'm missing something, I just started using Old Reader.
Soulhand commented
I've switched from using google reader now this is done :) Just need the sort order of folders fixed, and an integration with via API so I can send things to Evernote and I''ll be happy...
Niklas K. Rasmussen commented
Thank you so much for completing this so fast, now I can switch to only using the old reader! \o/
Beth commented
This is a high priority option for me. I'm often interrupted while looking at articles in my reader, as I usually view it when I catch a few minutes between other things, and it would be great to be sure that something I haven't finished reading doesn't get marked as "read."
James Whistler commented
Agreed. This is a make or break feature for me. Several of my feeds have very long articles in them, and I like to skip past them and come back to them later in the day when I have time. I really hate services that decide for me when something has been read. Please let us turn this off!
Soulhand commented
Just a me-too.l accidentally created a duplicate because I didn't spot this one. With this, I';d stop using Google Reader tomorrow, never mind July...
Charles Lanteigne commented
I usually cruise through posts, but don't mark as read those posts that take longer, that I want to come back to later (i.e.: the most important posts). Like other have said, in my workflow, this option is invaluable. This feature alone would "make or break" TheOldReader, for me.
In fact, it is so simple to implement, I don't even understand why it's not already there (those who don't want this behavior just leave the the box unchecked, so everybody wins). It seems to me to be *more* complex to automatically mark as read, from a development standpoint, than to wait for me to do it. It escapes me completely that it is *rarely* offered in reader apps or services...
FlickMontana commented
I don't want to mark an item as read until I'm actually done reading it. What if I'm in the middle of a long article and my power goes out? Or maybe I just want to scroll down without reading the articles, but I intend to come back to them later. I love everything else about your reader, and I would use it in a heartbeat if it wasn't for this.
Anders Pedersen commented
Anonymous commented
This is pretty essential for me as well for reasons mentioned in other posts below - I keep some items unread for later and only mark items as read after I have in fact read them, not after I have "scrolled by". Please consider adding this setting, it would make your already awesome reader even awesomer.
EH commented
Yes this needs to be addressed. I need to decide when items are read, not my scrollbar.
Niklas K. Rasmussen commented
I agree - It does not fit my work flow: A lot of my feeds link to video content, that I need to view before I mark the post as read. Now, I have to click the the "Mark as unread" each time scroll by a post, I would like to view later (video or not).
I always have "show unread only" on - making it even more painful....
I'm migrating from Google Reader, so, I would love it if you could find time to implement this before July 1. ;)
The Old Reader is really awesome - thank you for making it and releasing it for free! :)
Jason Steinman commented
I am very tempted to not use The Old Reader because of this exact feature. I love everything about TOR except this one issue. I have feeds that I look at the items in them in random order, so I don't want my unread feeds being marked as read just because I scrolled past them.