Allow me to authenticate via Google without giving you any access to my contacts
Checking for other people in my contacts who use The Old Reader is not a core requirement for the product to work, and I don't want you to have my contacts at all.
This pretty much means I can't use your product at all.

Anonymous commented
Ok, I just signed in from gmail through your blog post where you said you don't access contacts anymore. I simply don't know how to get started on importing my feeds from Reader (and adding new ones). Apart from your home page, I can't see anything else, like a dashboard. Please help!
Kristan Hoffman commented
Awesome, that worked, thank you! :)
Anonymous commented
Yes, This is ridiculous, why you need access to contacts?
Uzi commented
Great job!
Please check the site adaptation to Iphone. The pages are not displayed well in Safari and Chrome as well.
Tnx -
Andrew Heenan commented
Congratulations on the fix - and for listening to your users (few do, these days!). With the demise of Google Reader, you are prime candidate to serve all those who want a simple old fashioned reader - Good Luck!
Kristan, you should simply logout and login again. This will reset the old access token we had and create a new one that has no access to your contact list.
Eric U. commented
Awesome--thanks! I'll sign up tomorrow, pull in my Reader OPML, and off we go!
Kristan Hoffman commented
What does this mean for users who have already signed up? Is it possible to revoke access / delete contacts?
Richard commented
Great, you won a new user (probably many more). Nice to know that you are listening to your users! :)
OK, it looks like many people need this. We will be adjusting the way our Google authentication works later today. Logging in using Google account will no longer request access to the contact list. Obviously, "Find friends" will still need access to them, but that access will be requested separately.
Thank you for your patience.
Richard commented
I would add. The data in my Google contacts is my data, not yours. This is the *only* reason I haven't signed up. By storing contacts in Google I become controlled by the Data Protection Act in the UK. It is *illegal* for me to allow you to access this.
Get rid of this requirement and you gain a user.
Steve commented
@Admin, I think the scary email that all the voters of this issue got when you marked this as a duplicate makes you guys look worse than you are.
The email subject is literally "[] declined: 'Allow me to authenticate via Google w...'", which sounds a lot like you're ignoring us!
I'm glad it's not true.
Vivien Hayazaki commented
+1 for being able to use a Google account but having the whole social stuff be optional. I like that you guys are working on having a separate login system, but I think this is also important. I never really used nor liked the social features of Google Reader, but I like the convenience of logging in with my Google account.
EH commented
Another vote for separate standalone accounts, or at least more options than gmail or facebook (wordpress, livejournal, twitter, tumblr?). I don't use facebook and am moving away from google products. I could create a shell gmail account but should not have to. Just let me use a product without connecting it to every other thing I do on the web.
McKay Salisbury commented
I want an RSS reader. I don't want to use anything that has access to my contacts. Some of the other rights are questionable too, but the contact list is right out. Yes, I *could* create a secondary google account, but then that's another password I'd have to remember, and manage (which would then either be linked via google to my other account complicating other processes, or would mean I'd have to use a seperate browser session or keep logging in and out). Not what I want.
This is not the most wanted feature (Bookmarklet is), and we are far from ignoring it. We have already suggested a workaround earlier today (use a separate Google or Facebook account) and promised to implement
I will now remove this feature request as duplicate.
Georg Portenkirchner commented
So this is by far the most wanted feature and you are ignoring it and ignoring our privacy? Then I prefer not being your customer and will not recommend your service anymore!
Ștefan Rusu commented
A feed reader is a feed reader. I have other means to share the content if I really want to. Besides, this makes The Old Reader a prime target for those who'd like to fetch the list of contacts of your users. I'd say way much easier as a small team does not have the Google resources for securing the place.
This didn't stop me from signing up for The Old Reader for the moment, but I do want a proper resolution for this issue. Picked this as I like the interface more than the one provided by NewsBlur.
Sergey Shepelev commented
Thomas Uebel commented
Cannot emphasize this one enough.