Login without facebook or google
Some users would like a separate authentication system.

We are happy to let you know that this has been done.
Chuck - Often times this is because Adblock blocks social buttons. Try disabling Adblock on The Old Reader to see if that resolves it.
Chuck commented
I no longer see the option to login with google.
Anonymous commented
I don't like the new Facebook log in
dbm commented
Thanks guys, good on you :)
Anonymous commented
Thanks you so much for this feature ! The Old Reader is very great !
Sameer, this is something that should be done in the preferences of your Google or Facebook account.
Sameer Sahasrabuddhe commented
I just set a new password in my account. But how do I ensure that my account is delinked from my Google account?
Anonymous commented
Please do this before Reader dies.
Anand Geetey commented
Very much required. Should have completed before the actual Google Reader die.
Anonymous commented
Same here
Anonymous commented
I'd have agree that the only thing preventing me from using Old Reader is my reluctance to link my google credentials.
montuos commented
The only reason I'm not actually spending a vote on this is that it's already marked as planned. I'd very much like to see openID and other login options here.
Anonymous commented
I'd really like to see this happening
Adam commented
I totally support openID. I'd love to use openID, though at this point, since I've already imported everything with a login associated with my google account, I doubt you'd provide a feature to re-associate an existing account with a different authentication provider, so it doesn't really apply to me. :p
Age commented
I'd settle for an OpenID login as well, if it saves you from spending too much time on rolling your own authentication system and you really feel very strong against it.
Արտակ Կոլյան commented
Peter commented
+1. If this happens sufficiently in advance before Google goes down, I'm coming here. Otherwise, Feedly.
Dave Levy commented
I assume there's much more interest since the closure of Google Reader. I reckon I should have left when they restricted sharing to Google+, but restricting third party identity assurance to Google and Facebook is clearly an issue. Glad to see something else is planned. I have added a vote. Are the time scales published? I too, wish to disassociate myslef from the hostility expressed in some of these comments.
Anonymous commented
Yes please. I'm very concerned about connecting services to fb or google.
John Nanninga commented
Escaping Google and Facebook is exactly what I'm trying to do. Ironically, I had to auth with Google to place these votes against forcing me to auth with Google.