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368 votes
Cyndi supported this idea ·
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1,359 votes
This is for the most part now available with Premium accounts. We store posts up to 6 months old, and the title and body of the post will be in the search index for premium subscribers.
Cyndi supported this idea ·
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Given the storage going on now, this is pretty essential. I haven't checked The Old Reader for a few days (no more than a week) and came back to a notice saying: "You have not used The Old Reader for a while, so we kept only fresh posts for you." What??? I want ALL my posts. It's not like I disappeared for a year, or even a month. Not keeping my posts is a huge deal breaker for me. I subscribe to a lot of feeds and some are pretty busy. I often mark entire feeds read but sometimes I go through them. And I want them to actually be there.
It's one thing to mark posts as read if they're more than, say, 30 days old (what Google Reader did). But if I can't see older ("read") posts, then they're just gone, and that's not okay.
I agree that several hundred posts saved is not enough for many feeds (Huffington Post, for example). But what I find really scary is this statement: "If you don't access The Old Reader for a while, your account will be marked as inactive, and we will only keep the last 10 entries of each feed for you." What is "a while?" Considering you said I hadn't used it in "a while" when I hadn't logged in for less than a week (though I have more than 10 posts in most feeds)...
Basically you're not making me want to stay. Let alone donate to you.
Yes please! This is one of things I miss most about Google Reader. I know you have keyboard shortcuts for going to the next feed but they don't actually work (I'm on Chrome on a Mac running Lion). And, even if they did, it wouldn't be as simple as the space bar.